DTFWMC Premiere Tour pt.2 - Yeah Skateboards

DTFWMC Premiere Tour pt.2 "Best Trick and Premiere"

A week on the road of Paraná (Brasil) for premiering the "Don't Fuck With My Capivara" video.

Featuring YOU!
Best Trick and Premiere.
Across Londrina, Maringá, Cambé, Engenheiro Beltrão, Campo Mourão and Curitiba.

Filming: Giulio Sertori + Amanda
Editing: Giulio Sertori

John Filme - Xoyce



DTFWMC Premiere Tour pt.1 - Yeah Skateboards

DTFWMC Premiere Tour pt.1 "Capivaras no Role"

A week on the road of Paraná (Brasil) for premiering the "Don't Fuck With My Capivara" video.

Featuring Vinicius Costa, Joao Vitor Alexandre, Cristiano, Giulio Sertori and Fernando Bill as a guest.
Across Londrina, Maringá, Mandaguaçu, Engenheiro Beltrão and Campo Mourão.

Filming: Giulio Sertori + Geloko and Joao
Editing: Giulio Sertori

John Filme - Pânke
John Filme - Dropadeira
Pantanum - Shadow in My Way (intro loop)

