DTFWMC Premiere Tour pt.1 - Yeah Skateboards

DTFWMC Premiere Tour pt.1 "Capivaras no Role"

A week on the road of Paraná (Brasil) for premiering the "Don't Fuck With My Capivara" video.

Featuring Vinicius Costa, Joao Vitor Alexandre, Cristiano, Giulio Sertori and Fernando Bill as a guest.
Across Londrina, Maringá, Mandaguaçu, Engenheiro Beltrão and Campo Mourão.

Filming: Giulio Sertori + Geloko and Joao
Editing: Giulio Sertori

John Filme - Pânke
John Filme - Dropadeira
Pantanum - Shadow in My Way (intro loop)


